Magmatic Water Found on the Moon’s Surface
The discovery of liquid water anywhere else in the universe other than Earth is always a big deal because water is considered a necessity of life.
Scientists have detected magmatic water on the surface of our Moon. Magmatic water is water that comes from deep within the Moon’s interior, in the lunar crust and mantle.
This is the first time such a detection of this type of lunar water has occurred. For years, the rocks on the moon were believed to be completely dry. Some water was detected in Apollo samples but was assumed to be contamination from Earth.
Then a few years ago, the interior of the moon was revealed not be to be as dry as previously believed. Around the same time, a thin layer of water was found on the lunar surface. It was taken to result from solar wind interacting with the surface of the Moon.
The discovery published in the August 25 issue of Nature Geoscience adds to the understanding of lunar water and opens up possibilities for farther studies.
Prepare To Take a Peek of Comet ISON This September
Get ready to spot Comet ISON this September by keeping your telescope ready.
Astronomers are following this comet as it brightens. It will appear as a glowing dirty snowball. It could make just a good show or a spectacular show that will make history.
In early September, it will come within range of 8 inch telescope and 4-inch telescope at the end of the month.
Since it is approaching Earth from the morning side, it is best viewed two hours before sunrise as it lies low in the East before dawn.
For information on how best to view it and charts of its location go to
Are We All Martians?
A team of researchers claim to have found evidence that we are all Martians supporting the long debated theory that life on Earth started on Mars then landed on Earth through rocks flung after massive collisions with asteroids or comets.
Professor Steven Benner, a reputable American chemist, presented the controversial theory on August 29 claiming that Earthlings are Martians. His claims are based on findings by his team of researchers and will probably raise debate and controversy on the origin of life.
The Mars Curiosity Roverfound evidence of liquid water on Mar’s past indicating that the red planet might have harbored life in the past. Additionally, about 120 asteroids whose origin is Mars have been found on Earth.
Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole is a Sloppy Eater
At the center our galaxy, the Milky Way, there is a supermassive black hole. It is like a monster; gigantic, dark and greedy. For a long time, it was believed to consume anything that comes near it. Not any more!
The Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed that it is a sloppy eater. It does not consume everything that comes close to it. It spits back some of the material into space.
A cool image shows it capturing hot gas ejected by nearby stars and funneling it towards its event horizon indicating that it does not devour everything.