5 of The Closest Exoplanets to Earth

An illustration of exoplanets close to a star

Since the discovery of the first exoplanet in 1995, scientists have been fascinated by the possibility of finding other planets beyond our own solar system. To date, over 4,000 exoplanets have been discovered, and it is estimated that there may be tens of billions of such planets in the Milky Way alone.

In this blog post, we will explore the basics of exoplanets, the closest exoplanets to Earth, how they are discovered, what we have learned about them so far, and what the future may hold for the study of these distant worlds.

What are Exoplanets?

Exoplanets, also known as extrasolar planets, are planets that orbit stars outside of our own solar system. These planets can be made up of a variety of materials, including gas, ice, and rock, and can range in size from smaller than Earth to much larger.

Exoplanets are typically found orbiting stars that are similar to our own Sun, but they can also be found orbiting other types of stars, such as red dwarfs and brown dwarfs. The distance between an exoplanet and its star can also vary greatly, with some exoplanets orbiting much closer to their star than Mercury orbits the Sun, while others are much farther away.

What are the closest exoplanets to Earth?

There are several exoplanets that are relatively close to our own solar system. Some of the closest exoplanets include:

  1. Proxima Centauri b: This exoplanet orbits the star Proxima Centauri, which is the nearest star to our own Sun. Proxima Centauri b is a rocky exoplanet that is about the same size as Earth and is thought to be in the habitable zone of its star.
  2. TRAPPIST-1f: This exoplanet is part of the TRAPPIST-1 system, which is located about 39 light-years from Earth. TRAPPIST-1f is a rocky exoplanet that is about the same size as Earth and is thought to be in the wearable zone of its star.
  3. Kepler-186f: This exoplanet is located about 500 light-years from Earth and orbits a red dwarf star. Kepler-186f is a rocky exoplanet that is about the same size as Earth and is thought to be in the wearable zone of its star.
  4. LHS 1140b: This exoplanet is located about 40 light-years from Earth and orbits a red dwarf star. LHS 1140b is a rocky exoplanet that is about the same size as Earth and is thought to be in the wearable zone of its star.
  5. Ross 128 b: This exoplanet is located about 11 light-years from Earth and orbits a red dwarf star. Ross 128 b is a rocky exoplanet that is about the same size as Earth and is thought to be in the wearable zone of its star.

It is worth noting that these exoplanets are all still quite far from Earth, with the closest being about 4.2 light-years away. Despite this, they are some of the closest exoplanets that have been discovered so far and are among the most promising candidates for further study.

How are Exoplanets Discovered?

There are several ways that exoplanets can be detected, including:

  1. The Radial Velocity Method: This method involves measuring the slight wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of an orbiting planet. By measuring the size of this wobble, scientists can determine the mass of the planet and its distance from the star.
  2. The Transit Method: This method involves watching for a decrease in the brightness of a star as an exoplanet passes in front of it, blocking some of the star’s light. By measuring the amount of light blocked, scientists can determine the size of the exoplanet and its distance from the star.
  3. The Microlensing Method: This method involves watching for a brief increase in the brightness of a star as an exoplanet passes in front of it, causing the star’s light to be magnified. By measuring the amount of magnification, scientists can determine the mass of the exoplanet.
  4. Direct Imaging: This method involves taking a direct image of an exoplanet using a telescope. This is the most difficult method to use, as exoplanets are much fainter than their host stars and are therefore difficult to see.

What Have We Learned About Exoplanets?

Since the first exoplanet was discovered in 1995, scientists have made many exciting discoveries about these distant worlds. Some of the most notable findings include:

  1. Exoplanets are Common: As mentioned above, it is estimated that there may be tens of billions of exoplanets in the Milky Way alone. This means that there are likely many planets out there that are similar to Earth in size and composition.
  2. Exoplanets Can Be Extreme: While many exoplanets are similar in size and composition to the planets in our own solar system, some are much more extreme. For example, some exoplanets are much larger than Jupiter and are made up of gas and ice, while others are much smaller and are made up of rock and metal.
  3. Exoplanets Can Have Unusual Orbits: Some exoplanets have been found to orbit their stars in very unusual ways. For example, some exoplanets orbit their stars at a much greater distance than any of the planets in our own solar system, while others orbit much closer. Some exoplanets even orbit their stars in the opposite direction than their star’s rotation, meaning that they are “backwards” relative to their star.
  1. Exoplanets May Have Habitable Zones: The habitable zone of a planet is the range of distances from a star where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist on the planet’s surface. This is important because liquid water is thought to be necessary for life as we know it. Some exoplanets have been found in the habitable zone of their star, which means that they may have the conditions necessary for life.
  2. Exoplanets Can Have Multiple Suns: While most exoplanets orbit a single star, some have been found to orbit two or more stars. These exoplanets, known as circumbinary planets, can have complex and varied orbits due to the gravitational pull of multiple stars.

What Does the Future Hold for Exoplanet Research?

The study of exoplanets is a rapidly evolving field, and it is likely that we will continue to make exciting discoveries in the coming years. Some of the areas of research that are likely to be important in the future include:

  1. The Search for Habitable Exoplanets: Scientists are continuing to search for exoplanets that are in the habitable zone of their star and may be able to support life. This includes using telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope, which is set to launch in the coming years and will be able to study the atmospheres of exoplanets in more detail.
  2. The Characterization of Exoplanet Atmospheres: Scientists are also working to learn more about the atmospheres of exoplanets, including studying the gases present and searching for biomarkers such as oxygen and methane that could indicate the presence of life.
  3. The Study of Exoplanetary Systems: In addition to studying individual exoplanets, scientists are also interested in learning more about the systems in which exoplanets are found. This includes studying the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems and looking for patterns or trends that may help us understand how these systems differ from our own solar system.
  4. The Search for Earth-Like Exoplanets: While many exoplanets have been found to be much larger or more extreme than the planets in our own solar system, scientists are also interested in finding exoplanets that are more similar to Earth. This includes searching for exoplanets that are the right size and distance from their star to potentially support life.


The study of exoplanets has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for scientists and has given us a glimpse into the vastness of our universe. While we have made many exciting discoveries so far, there is still much more to learn about these distant worlds and the systems in which they are found. As our technology and understanding continue to improve, it is likely that we will make even more exciting discoveries about exoplanets in the future.