Are there other planets like Earth out there? Probably, Yes. The universe is too large for there not to be other Earth like bodies.

According to a new study, there could be 60 billion Earth like planets orbiting stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone. These planets outside the solar system orbiting other stars are known as exoplanets or extra-solar planets.
According to astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), six percent of red-dwarf stars have potentially habitable and Earth sized planets.
Here is a list of some of the most Earth like exoplanets discovered so far.
Kepler-62e’s diameter is 1.6 that of Earth making it about 60% larger than Earth. It is, therefore, a super-Earth. Astronomers believe that it is most likely an Earth-like terrestrial planet located in the inner part of its host star’s habitable zone.
It could have a rocky composition and a lot of water given its size, age and stellar flux. Most planets its size are calculated to have an ocean cover so it most likely has an ocean. It is also covered by dense clouds
Gliese-667Cc orbits the Gliese 667C star located about 22.7 light years from our solar system in the Constellation Scorpius. It is located within the inner edge of the star’s habitable zone.
It is considered 85% similar to Earth. It is about 4.5 the size of Earth and could be rocky. It receives about 90% of the starlight Earth does but absorbs more making it warmer than Earth.

Kepler-61b is an earthlike exoplanet orbiting star Kepler-61. Its radius is just slightly larger than that of Earth.
Just like Earth, it occupies the inner part of its star’s habitable zone and could have conditions that support life. Its humidity is relatively low than that of Earth and it has a higher atmospheric pressure.
Gliese 667Cf
Gliese 667Cf is in the middle part of the habitable zone of its star. It also has warm conditions because while it receives 60% less stellar flux that received by Earth, it absorbs more infrared radiation.
Located 600 light years away from the solar system is an earth like exoplanet known as Kepler-22b, revealed by the Kepler Space Telescope. It is the first known transiting exoplanet to orbit within the habitable zone of a sun like star.
Its radius is 2.4 times that of Earth. It could have liquid water and there is a high chance of finding life in this world.
There is a strong possibility that this exoplanet could have continental features like those on Earth or have an ocean cover just like part of Earth is covered by oceans.
Assuming that its greenhouse effect is similar to that of Earth, its temperature would be a comfortable 22 degrees Celsius like Earth.

Kepler-62f is 1200 light years away from Earth and might be the most Earth-like exoplanet. Its diameter is 1.4 times that of Earth making the planet very close in size to our Earth. It is actually the potentially habitable planet closest in size to the Earth orbiting in the habitable zone of another star.
Although it receives just about 42% of the starlight the Earth receives from the sun, astronomers believe it should have a rocky composition because it has a thicker atmosphere and is larger than Earth. It could also have an ocean or ice cover just like some parts of Earth.

Gliese 581d
Gliese 581d is an Earth like exoplanet. It only receives from its star, Gliese 581, 30% of the stellar flux the Earth receives from the sun.
However, this alien world may have a stronger greenhouse effect allowing it to retain more heat than the Earth does making it hot enough for water to remain in liquid form at its surface. The existence of life on Gliese 581d is also a possibility.
Gliese 581c
Located 120.5 trillion miles away from Earth in the Libra constellation, Gliese 581c is an Earth like exoplanet with a radius 1.5 times that of Earth and a mass five times that of Earth.
Based on its size, astronomers estimate that it is rocky planet or covered by an ocean. Its average temperature ranges between o and 40 degrees Celsius. Its features indicate that it could have liquid water and life.